by sof sears, natalie waite, & shirley jackson

Girlhood as: open wound, as love story, as horror movie, as fragmentation-as-form, as liminal and unknowable space, as underworld, as headlock, as a blooming red-gut rage, as broken glass and stepping barefoot on its shards, as unremarkable, as the mundane, as the transcendent, as an improvised dance on the precipice of annihilation every day, as performance art piece, as subject and abject, as uneven ground, as blood and dirt and asphalt, as sulky posture, as elbows-on-the-dinner-table, as a warm sweaty hand holding yours, as sweat down your neck and under your boobs, as cramping endless cramping, as an oceanic loneliness that might never fully dissolve, as mourning ritual, as blood ritual, as a place you never quite inhabit and never wholly leave.